Web Design (UX/UI)

Web Design (UX/UI)

Among web professionals, “web development” usually refers to the main non-design aspects of building web sites: writing markup and coding. In short and simple way we can say that the job of web developer is development and creation of websites. A web developer works closely with clients or company to develop and implement their websites by debugging applications, creating application, writing code, working with graphic designers to develop the layout, working with graphics, video, audio, web server and network security configuration, e-commerce development and monitoring traffic to the site.

Course Outline :

Module 1: HTML

  • Introduction to HTML
  • Which IDE to use and how to use IDE for HTML, CSS and PHP, Basic ideas on IDE tools and menu.
  • Ideas on HTML Attributes and Tags, how and where to use which attributes and tags. Showing Common mistakes on tag placements.
  • HTML headings, paragraph, anchor, image, inline elements, block elements overview, usages and placements.
  • HTML Form elements, input, select, textarea, radio box, checkbox, buttons elements overview, usages and placements.

Module 2: HTML & HTML 5  

  • HTML lists, tables, quote, frames, fieldset,iframe elements overview, usages and placements.
  • Introduction to HTML5 and overview on difference from HTML.
  • HTML5 elements overview, usages and placements.
  • HTML5 media, video, audio elements overview, usages and placements.
  • HTML5 Canvas, SVG and Media elements overview, usages and placements.

Module 3: Cascade Style Sheets (CSS)

  • Introduction to CSS, what is CSS and how and where to use it.
  • Relationship with HTML & HTML5. How CSS will work with HTML & HTML5.
  • What is Inline CSS, where to write it, precedence & priority of Inline CSS.
  • What isInternal CSS, where to write it, precedence & priority of InternalCSS.
  • What is External CSS, where to write it, precedence & priority of External CSS.
  • What is CSS overriding, how and where it takes places.
  • CSS syntax, Classes & IDs, Floating, Positioning and overflow.
  • CSS use of fonts, from where and how to get fonts and how to use those.
  • CSS use of colors, Margins, Paddings, Borders, width and height, alignments and opacity.
  • CSS for block, inline and inline-block, display, display-table and visibility properties of HTML elements.

Module 4: CSS3

  • Introduction to CSS3, Difference between CSS and CSS3, and extra benefits of using CSS3.
  • CSS3 use of texts, fonts, shadows and gradients.
  • CSS3 use of backgrounds, border images and rounded corners elements.
  • CSS3 making cool visual with use of transitions and animations.
  • CSS3 making cool visual with use of 2D and 3D transforms.
  • CSS3 Box sizing and Flex box features and use of these.
  • Use of Cross Browser CSS hacksto show HTML view same on different browsers.

Module 5: HTML & HTML 5   

  • Creating HTML & HTML 5 pages practically using CSS/CSS3 and project assignment.

Module 6: PSD to HTML Conversion 

  • Learn what is PSD slicing, how to slice PSD to convert to HTML files.
  • Work with PSD layers to convert each layers to single HTML file.
  • Convert PSD design to fixed width HTML with pixel perfect calculation.

Module 7: PSD to HTML Conversion

  • Practical and Project Assignments on PSD to fixed width HTML.

Module 8: PSD to HTML Conversion

  • Introduction to responsive HTML, where and when to use it and benefits of making responsive HTML.
  • Introduction to Media Query, media query syntax, how to use media query to make a HTML file to responsive.

Module 9: PSD to HTML Conversion

  • Practical and Project Assignments on PSD to responsive HTML using Media Query

Module 10: PSD to HTML Conversion

  • Introduction to percentage based element displaying, positioning and alignments. How percentage features will make a HTML responsive.

Module 11: PSD to HTML Conversion

  • Practical and Project Assignments on PSD to Responsive HTML using both media query and percentage.

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